English: Dark-sided Flycatcher, Sooty Flycatcher
Russian: Сибирская мухоловка
German: Russschnapper
French: Gobemouche de Siberie
Mongolian: Шивэр намнаахай
Japanese: サメビタキ (Same-bitaki)
Body length: 13-14 cm
Wing span: 20-21 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-8
Egg colour: Pale green with reddish or
reddish-brown spots and blotches.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Flying insects such as mosquitoes,
beetles, files, and their larvae.
Habitat: Breeding habitats are coniferous,
deciduous and mixed forest with tall old trees and fruit trees in mountain
taiga forest, forest steppe and lake and river valleys. Chiefly the female
builds a cup-shaped nest 2 to 18 m above the ground, on the branch of a tree or
sometimes in a hole. On migration, single birds, or small groups of birds occur
in coniferous and mixed forest.