English: Asian
Brown Flycatcher, Grey-breasted Flycatcher
Russian: Ширококлювая мухоловка
German: Braunschnapper
French: Gobe-mouches brun
Mongolian: Дагуурын намнаахай
Japanese: コサメビタキ (Ko-samebitaki)
Body length: 12-13 cm.
Very rare vagrant from Siberia, where it breeds
in taiga (recorded only in Britain, Denmark and Sweden). Behavior and habitat
much as for Spotted Flycatcher.
Identification: Much
like a small Spotted Flycatcher, differing in having unstreaked forecrown and
usually a uniform pale brown-grey wash across breast only; prominent whitish
eye-ring (around rather large dark eye) and whitish lores. Bill strong, long
and flat in profile, broad-base with slightly convex sides seen from below, and
with pinkish or straw-colored base to lower mandible, visible from the side.