English: Pied
Wheatear, Pleschanka’s Wheatear, Common Pied Wheatear
Russian: Каменка - плешанка
German: Nonnensteinschmatzer
French: Traquet pie
Mongolian: Мяраан чогчиго
Japanese: セグロサバクヒタキ (Seguro-sabaku-hitaki)
Body length: 14-16.5 cm
Wing span: 25-27 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-6
Egg colour: Greenish-blue with reddish-brown
specks, spots.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Various terrestrial arthropods and
their larvae.
Habitat: Breeding pairs nest in holes and
crevices in banks or rocks outcrops, on rocky ground, and in crevices on
mountain slopes with rocks and cliffs, dried river valleys with scattered
bushes, rocky mountains with tall bushes, at the edge of mountain forests,
forest steppe and mountain steppe.