English: Isabelline
Wheatear, Isabelline Chat
Russian: Каменка-плясунья
Mongolian: Бүжимч чогчиго, Бүжимч чогчоохой
German: Isabellsteinschmatzer
French: Traquet isabelle
Japanese: イナバヒタキ (Inaba-hitaki)
Body length: 15-16.5 cm
Wing span: 28-30 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-6 (occasionally 5-7)
Egg colour: Palish blue with few fine dark
specks at larger end.
1-2 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Invertebrates, such as ants, beetles,
grasshoppers and their larvae.
Habitat: Nests in the borrows and holes of
small mammals in dry open habitats with short vegetation and scattered low
bushes, mountain slopes with small rocks and boulders in mountains and at the
edges of taiga mountain forests, forest steppe and mountain steppe.