English: Rufous-tailed
Rock Thrush, Rock Thrush, Spotted Rock Thrush
Russian: Пёстрый каменный дрозд
German: Steinrotel
French: Monticole de roche
Mongolian: Хадны жижир, Цохионы хөөндэй
Japanese: コシジロイソヒョ (Koshijiro-Isohiyo)
Body length: 17-20 cm
Wing span: 32-37 cm
Passage migrant / winter visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-5
Egg colour: Glossy pale blue reddish-brown
specks at larger end.
1-2 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Arthropods and their larvae such as
beetles, grasshoppers.
Habitat: Nests on the ground underneath
rocks, rock crevices, rocky ground, ruins, shallow cavities covered by grasses
on dry, rocky mountains, slopes with sparse vegetation and high rock cliffs in
high mountains, forest steppe, mountain steppe, desert steppe
and river valleys in the main ranges.