English: Daurian Redstart
Russian: Сибирская горихвостка
Mongolian: Дагуур галсүүлт
German: Spiegelrotschwanz
French: Rougequeue aurore
Japanese: ジョウビタキ (Jobitaki)
Body length: 14-15 cm
Wing span: 24-26 cm
Breeding visitor /passage migrant
Breeding season: May-September
Egg number: 3-6
Egg colour: Palish green topale bluish with
warm brown spots, speckles.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Grass seeds and insects, including
grasshoppers, ants, and flies.
Habitat: Nesting habitats consists of old
mixed and coniferous forests in taiga forest, forests steppe, and river valleys
at different altitudes. Breeding pairs nest in holes in trees, rocks, walls, or
cliffs in deciduous, mixed and rarely in coniferous forests with dense bushes,
thickets, boulders, cliffs and old trees in mountain forests, forest steppe and
patched woodlands in mountain steppe.