English: Siberian
Rubythroat, Rubythroat, Red-necked Nightingale
Russian: Соловей-красношейка
Mongolian: Өнгөлүүрт гургалдай, Хундан өнгөлүүрт гургалдай
German: Rubinkehlchen
French: Calliope Siberienne
Japanese: ノゴマ (No-goma)
Body length: 14.5-16 cm
Wing span: 24-26 cm
Passage migrant /summer visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 5 (occasionally 4-6)
Egg colour: Glossy light blue with
reddish-brown fine speckles, spots.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Arthropods, including flies, their
larvae and plant material.
Habitat: Breeding pairs nest in deciduous and
mixed forests edges or on the ground into grass tussocks, or herbage at the
base of bushes, occasionally in thick shrub a little above ground in mountain
taiga forests, forest steppe and river valleys.