English: Pale Thrush
Russian: Бледный дрозд
Mongolian: Бүгээн хөөндэй
German: Fahldrossel
French: Merle pale
Japanese: シロハラ (Shirohara)
Body length: 22-23 cm
Wing span: 35-38 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-6
Egg colour: Greenish with reddish-brown spots
and markings.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Beetles, spiders and their larvae, and
Habitat: Breeding habitats consists of pine
and deciduous forests with thickets and secondary vegetation. Breeding pairs
nest in small trees and tall bushes near streams. The nest is a cup of grasses,
dry pine needles, stalks, rootlets, and the mud. On migration it occurs singly,
or in the flocks of other migratory thrushes.