English: Red-throated Thrush, Rufous-throated Thrush
Russian: Краснозобый дрозд, Темнозобый дрозд
Mongolian: Улаангүеэт хөөндэй, Улаан гүеэ хөөндэй
German: Rotkehldrossel
French: Grive a gorge rousse
Japanese: ノドグロツグミ (Nodoguro-tsugumi)
Body length: 24-27 cm
Wing span: 37-40 cm
Passage migrant /wintering
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 5-6 (occasionally 4-7)
Egg colour: Glossy pale blue with
reddish-brown sparse markings.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects such as beetles and their
larvae, earth worms and fruits.
Habitat: Breeding habitats consist of mature
coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests in high mountains, mountain taiga,
forest steppe and valleys of rivers and lakes. Breeding pairs nest in trees, on
logs or stumps, or on the ground. The nest is a cup of grass, moss and thin
twigs, lined with a cup of mud an inner lining of fine grass.