English: Naumann’s Thrush, Rufous-tailed Thrush,
Red-tailed Thrush
Russian: Дрозд Науманна, Рыжий дрозд
Mongolian: Науманны хөөндэй
German: Naumanndrossel
French: Grive de Naumann
Japanese: ツグミ (Tsugumi)
Body length: 23-25 cm
Wing span: 36-39 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-6
Egg colour: Greenish-blue with reddish brown
streaks, spots.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects, earthworms, spiders, fruits
and seeds of various plants.
Habitat: Breeding habitats consist of
deciduous forests, forest steppe, and river valleys. Breeding pair builds nest
in trees, placed up to 4-5 m above the ground but often below 1 m. The nest is
a crude cup of various grasses, twigs and mosses mixed with mud and lined with
softer grasses.