English: Fieldfare,
Fieldfare Thrush
Russian: Рябинник
Mongolian: Дуулгат хөөндэй
German: Wacholderdrossel
Japanese: ノハラツグミ (Nohara-Tsugumi)
Body length: 22-28 cm
Wing span: 37-40 cm
Passage migrant /wintering
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 5-6 (occasionally 3-8)
Egg colour: Glossy light blue with
reddish-brown markings.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Earthworms,
snails, millipedes, insects and fruits of various plants.
Breeding habitats consist of edges of a variety of forest types with
thickets and bushes in forest mountains, forest steppe and valleys of rivers
and lakes. Breeding pairs nest in fairly open sites, in tree forks, among
twigs, on a post or stump, or on the ground. They usually nest in groups, often
in number of adjacent trees with several to a tree.