English: Marsh Tit, Eurasian Tit, Asian Marsh Tit
Russian: Черноголовая гаичка
Mongolian: Хартолгойт хөхбух, Хар магнайт хөх бух
German: Sumpfmeise
French: Mesange
Japanese: ハシブトガラ (Hashibuto-gara)
Body length: 11-13 cm
Wing span: 17-18 cm
Winter visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 6-9
Egg colour: Slightly glossy white with light brown,
reddish-brown markings.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Forest insects and their larvae.
Habitat: Breeding habitats of the species in
the country are deciduous woodland and scrub. The nest is placed usually in a
natural hole in a tree or stump in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forest in
mountain taiga, forest steppe, river valleys and patchy woodland in mountains.
They forage in tree, tree branches or very rarely close to ground.