English: Wood Nuthatch, Eurasian Nuthatch
Russian: Обыкновенный поползень
Mongolian: Өрнийн тоншголжин, Тоншголжин
German: Kleiber
French: Sitelle
Japanese: ゴジュウカラ (Gojukara)
Body length: 12.5-14 cm
Wing span: 20-25 cm
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 6-9
Egg colour: Moderately white with light red
and some faint purple speckles.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects, their larvae and trees seeds.
Habitat: Breeding habitats consist of large
deciduous, mixed or coniferous trees in mountain taiga forests, forest steppe
and patched woodlands in river valleys. Breeding pairs nest in hole in trees or
walls, sometimes in old woodpecker holes or nest-boxes. The nest is a loose cup
of bark chips and flakes, and dead leaves.