English: House
Russian: Домовый воробей
Mongolian: Оронгийн боршувуу, Оронгийн бор шувуу
German: Haussperling
French: Moineau domestique
Japanese: イエスズメ (Ie-suzume)
Body length: 14-16 cm
Wing span: 21-25 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-5
Egg colour: Faintly tinted greenish with grey
spots, speckles.
1-2 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Invertebrates, their larvae, plant
seeds and human food leftovers.
Habitat: Breeding habitats consists of all
human settlements and buildings near these settlements across the country. The
nest is a neat rounded domed structure with side entrance or an untidy domed
structure in creepers or crevices. In holes it may be cup of straw, plant stems
and waste material such as paper, string or cloth, lined with feathers, hair
and wool.