English: Saxaul Sparrow
Russian: Саксаульный воробей
German: Saxaulsperling
French: Moineau des saxauls
Mongolian: Загийн боршувуу
Japanese: ノウメンスズメ (Nomen-suzume)
Status: Rare species. According to the IUCN Red List categories and
criteria, the species evaluated as-Near Threatened.
Distribution and Range: Central Asia, Kazakhstan, North or Central to east to Ordos. In
Mongolia: resident breeder in Sharga Govi, Southern Altai Govi, Govi-Altai
mountain range, to east to Zuungaryn Govi saxaul forest.
Habitat: Main breeding habitats are Saxaul forest with large and old trees
in Govi Desert.
Population and Threats: Population not assessed. Threats: domestic camels, wild camels
graze on tall saxaul tree branches, limbs, shaking and disturbing nests; saxaul
is cut down for firewood, degradading the habitat; sudden drops in air
temperature; raptors prey on chicks as well as mature birds.
Conservation Measures: Listed as Rare animal in the Annex to the Mongolian Government
Resolution #7 (2012). Approximately 41,8% of the species range in Mongolia
occurs within the NSPAN. Breeding habitats and stopover resting areas during
migration passage area included within southern part of the NSPAN.
Further actions: Further research is needed into the population abundance,
distribution, migration pattern, reproductive biology, threats, improve
conservation measures, protect the entire saxaul forests within the NSPAN,
support increased reproduction of the species by building or placing artificial
nests, raise awareness.