English: Eurasian
Tree Sparrow, Tree Sparrow
Russian: Полевой воробей
Mongolian: Хээрийн боршувуу, Хээрийн бор шувуу
German: Feldsperling
French: Moineau friquet
Japanese: スズメ (Suzume) Body length: 12.5-14 cm
Wing span: 20-23 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-6 (occasionally 2-9)
Egg colour: Slightly glossy ground colour
with dark brown blotches speckles.
1-2 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Arthropods, their larvae, plant seeds
and human food leftovers.
Habitat: Bests in tree holes, under/in raptor
nests and crevices and holes of man-made substrates in mountain forests, forest
steppe, river valleys and settlements. Adult birds build a domed structure or
untidy cup of plant stalks and twigs, lined with down and feathers. Nest
material consists of paper, string or cloth, lined with feathers, hair and