English: Rock Sparrow
Russian: Каменный воробей
German: Steinsperling
French: Moineau soulcie
Mongolian: Хадны боршуу, Хадны бор шувуу
Japanese: イワスズメ (Iwa-suzume)
length: 15-17 cm
Wing span: 28-32 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 5-6
Egg colour: Greenish-white colour with brown spots
1-2 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Arthropods, their larvae, seeds and
fruits of various plants.
Habitat: Nests in holes in rock crevices and
cracks, tree hollows, old buildings, walls, or in/under the nests of raptors
and other birds in high mountain, edges of mountain forests, forest steppe, mountain steppe, desert steppe, the Gobi desert
and river valleys. The nest is a domed structure of plant stalks and roots,
lined with feathers, hair, down, cashmere, and wool.