English: Small
Snowfinch, Pere David’s Snow Finch
Russian: Монгольский земляной воробей
Mongolian: Монгол божирог, Монгол бор шувуу
German: Davidschneefink
French: Niverolle de David
Japanese: モウコユキスズメ (Moko-yukisuzume)
Body length: 12-15 cm
Wing span: 17.5 - 20 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: June - August
Egg number: 5-6
Egg colour: Glossless, or very slightly
glossy white, or grayish white
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Terrestrial arthropods, their larvae
and seeds of various plants.
Habitat: Breeding pairs nest in deserted and
old burrows of rodents-Brandt’s Vole, Mongolian Gerbil, Long-tailed Ground
Squirrel, and Daurian Ground Squirrel – on the ground in arid steppe, mountain
steppe and semi-desert with sparse vegetation. The nest is a cup of dried fine
grass, plant steams and down, lined with finer grass, hair and feathers.