English: Mongolian Finch,
Mongolian trumpeter Finch
Russian: Монгольский снегирь
Mongolian: Монгол Алтанжигүүр
German: Mongolengimpel
French: Roselin de Mongolie
Japanese: モウコナキマシコ (Moko-naki-mashiko)
½ - 13 cm.
Breeds in barren, rocky mountain tracts at over 2000 m. Resident, or
makes only short movements down to lower levels after breeding. Seen on ground
or in flight, often in small parties. Not shy. Nests on ground.
Size of Trumpeter Finch, and very like that species, but has slightly smaller
bill (esp. less deep base) which is always yellowish-brown or light grey-brown,
never pink or light red Further, head is light brown like mantle (never
contrastingly grey). Crown to back in all plumages lightly but distinctly
dark-streaked (as good as uniform on Trumpeter), and wing pattern is different,
this especially noticeable on adult ♂ (but harder to see on some ♀♀). Thus, in
flight shows a short, broad, white bar on secondaries and a hint of second
wing-bar at base of greater coverts. Secondaries are also more broadly tipped
white than on Trumpeter. Usually shows narrow white patch on ‘arm’ on folded