English: Long-tailed
Russian: Длиннохвостый снегирь, Урагус
Mongolian: Үүрэн сүүлтзана
German: Meisengimpel
French: Roselina longue queue
Japanese: ベニマシコ (Beni-mashiko)
Body length: 13-18 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: May - August
Egg number: 3-6
Egg colour: Intensive greenish-blue with
darkish spots and blotches.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects, spiders, other terrestrial
invertebrates and seeds.
Habitat: Nests in trees and bushes in
thickets and dense bushy areas in forest floodlands and along lower mountain
slopes in mountain taiga forests, forest steppe and river valleys. The nest is
constructed with dried grass, stems and other plant materials and lined with
softer grass, hair and feathers.