English: Pine Bunting
Russian: Белошапочная овсянка
Mongolian: Цагааншанаат хөмрөг
German: Fichtenammer
French: Bruant a calotte blanche
Japanese: シラガホウジロ (Shiraga-hojiro)
Body length: 16-17.5 cm
Wing span: 27-29 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-6
Egg colour: Purplish or greyish colour with reddish
brownish spots, blotches.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Terrestrial insects, their larvae and
seeds of various plants.
Habitat: Breeding habitats consist of
coniferous or birch forests, scrub, or open country, but often near water.
Nests on the ground among grass and in overgrown bushes and young dense trees
in coniferous and mixed forests edges of forests mountain taiga forests, forest
steppe and river valleys. Female builds nest on the ground. The nest is a cup
of dead grass, lined with hair and fine grass.