English: Godlewski’s
Russian: Овсянка Годлевского
Mongolian: Годлевскийн хөмрөг
German: Felsenammer
French: Bruant de Godlewski Body length: 17 cm
Wing span: 22-28 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-6
Egg colour: Bluish-pale grey with dark or
dark brown lines, blurred markings.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Terrestrial arthropods, their larvae
and seeds of various plants.
Habitat: Breeding habitats consist of dry
rocky hillsides and ravines with scrub =, close to forests and mountain rivers
and streams in high mountains. Female builds nest on the ground or rarely t the
base of bushes and tall grasses. The nest is situated in a hollow and cup is
built with grass, roots, and moss, lined with roots and hair.