English: Black-headed Bunting
Russian: Черноголовая овсенка
Mongolian: Хартолгойт хөмрөг
German: Kappenammer
French: Bruant melanocephale
Japanese: ズグロチャキンチョウ (Zuguro-chakincho)
length: 15
½ -17 ½ cm.
Very close relative of Red-headed Bunting, and the two hybridize
locally. Breeds in open, dry country with bushes, often in farmland with
scattered tree clumps, in vineyards and orchards, in riverine woodland, at
forest edge and in glades, as well as on drier mountain slopes with thorn bushes
and isolated trees. Summer visitor (in Greece mainly early May- end Jul),
winters in India. Not shy.
Identification: Fairly large, a
trifle bigger than Red-headed, and similarly long-tailed. Lacks white on tail.
- ♂: Unmistakable. Apart from black hood, note unstreaked red-brown upperparts.
- ♀: Very like Red-headed and often difficult to separate in field. Has slightly
longer bill and sometimes faint red-brown tone to the dull grey-brown
mantle/back. Rump dull brown or tinged yellow-brown (never has green tinge of
some Red-headed). In addition, crown is sometimes more distinctly dark-streaked
and ear-coverts a little darker.
- 1st winter: Very like Red-headed (which see)
and often not safely separable in the field.