English: Snow Bunting
Russian: Пуночка
Mongolian: Туйлын цасчхөмрөг
German: Schneeammer
French: Bruant des neiges
Japanese: ユキホオジロ (Yuki-hojiro)
Body length: 15-18 cm
Wing span: 22-28 cm
Winter visitor
Breeding season: May - August
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Seeds of various plants.
Habitat: Most wintering and migrating individuals
arrive in wintering and feeding sites by mid-lite November, depending on
weather conditions. It forms large flocks consisting of 15-300 indiviuals and
moves around and between areas where seeds of various plants are abundant.
Large groups of the species leave the country by early February-late March,
depending on seed, snow cover and air temperature.