English: Tufted
Duck, Tufted Pochard
Russian: Хохлатая чернеть
German: Reiherente
French: Fuligule morillon
Mongolian: Гэзэгт шумбуур
Japanese: キンクロハジロ (Kinkuro-hajiro)
Body Length: 40-47 cm
Wing span: 65-72 cm
Passage migrant /summer visitor
Breeding season: May –September
Egg number: 6-11
Egg color: Bluish green
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Grazes in wet meadows with short vegetation and insects.
Habitat: On migration it forms flocks of
7-2,000 individuals and occurs in the following breeding habitats: large pool
and ponds, channels, wheat fields and oases for foraging and resting from taiga
forest to the Gobi desert, and lake shores, river banks, and sand bars for
resting and roosting.