English: Osprey
Russian: Скопа
German: Fischadler
French: Balbuzard
Mongolian: Загасч явлаг
Japanese: ミサゴ (Misago)
Body Length: 52-60
Wing span: 152
-167 cm
Summer visitor, winters in Africa. In Britain, very rare breeder. Breeds on
clear freshwater lakes, in Mediterranean at salt. Food fish, caught after dive.
Nests in very top of pine tree.
Medium-large, long-winged, ventrally pale raptor with unique flight silhouette,
wings being narrow with long ‘hand’, having only four ‘fingers’, tail short and
square-cut. Wings angled, carpals held forward when gliding, wings in head-on
silhouette distinctly bowed and at times recalls Great Black-backed Gull.
Hovers (wingbeats heavy) over water and dives feet-first for fish. Upperparts
grey-brown, underparts white, underwing with blackish mark.
- Adult:
Upperparts uniformly grey-brown, no white feather tips. Crown white. Greater
coverts below all blackish; secondaries dark, barring usually indistinct. Eye
yellow. ♂ has on average less prominent brown breast-band than ♀.
- Juvenile:
Feathers of upperparts tipped whitish. Crown white with dark streaks. Greater
coverts below white, barred dark; secondaries pale but coarsely barred dark.
Eye orange.