English: Northern Goshawk, Eastern
Russian: Тетеревятник
German: Habicht
French: Autour des palombes
Mongolian: Үлэг харцага, Үлэг харцгай
Japanese: オオタカ (O-taka)
Body Length: 46-63 cm
Wing span: 89-122 cm
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 2-5
Egg colour: Bluish white, variably marked
with dark brown spots.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Habitat: Breeding pairs build several stick
nets in old coniferous and deciduous trees with dense leaves in a given
breeding site. They build their nest with twigs and dry branches, lined with
softer and thinner plants and twigs. On migration, they occur in open habitats
with trees, bushes, and rocky areas.
Food: small to medium sized forest birds and
forest mammals.