English: Long-legged Buzzard
Russian: Курганник
German: Adierbussard
French: Buse feroce
Mongolian: Талын сар
Japanese: ニシオオノスリ (Nishi-onosuri)
Body Length: 50-61 cm
Wing span:
130-150 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-September
Egg number: 2-5
Egg colour: Non-glossy white to yellowish
with reddish brown spots
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Habitat: Breeding pairs build a stick nest of
twigs, branches, and bushes, in elm, saxual, and polar trees and also
cliffs. On migration, it occurs singly,
or in very loose groups in small numbers in open areas with voles and gerbils.
Food: Rodents such as voles, gerbils,
hamsters, pikas, and rarely birds.