English: Common Buzzard, Eurasian Buzzard, Steppe Buzzard
Russian: Обыкновенный канюк
German: Mausebussard
French: Buse
Mongolian: Ойн сар
Japanese: ノスリ (Nosuri)
Body Length:
46-58 cm
Wing span: 110-13 cm
Passage migrant /summer visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-6
Egg colour: White, variably marked with
reddish brown blotches
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Habitat: Coniferous and deciduous trees and
cliffs in forests, forest steppe and in the valley of rover and lakes. On
migration, they occur singly, or in small loose groups of 3-8 individuals. They
soar high up in the sky and migrants are sometimes found in areas with trees,
tall bushes, rocks cliffs, and very occasionally planted trees.
Small rodents, insects, rarely birds and very occasionally lizards.