English: Steppe
Russian: Степной орел
German: Steppenadler
French: Aigle de
Mongolian: Тарважи бүргэд
Body Length: 60-81 cm
Wing span: 165-214 cm
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 1-2
Egg color: White to yellowish with reddish
brown, dark brown spots.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Habitat: Large stick nests on natural (trees,
cliffs, rock Boulders, rock columns, ground) and artificial or man made (poles,
car tires, roofs of deserted buildings, artificial nests platforms, etc.)
substrates. The eagles nest contains twigs of elm trees, shrubs, tail hairs of
horses and cattle, fur of sheep, goat and camel, cotton, plastic bags and other
man-made materials.
Food: Small to medium sized rodents and
birds, sometimes domestic goats.