English: Little Grebe
Russian: Малая поганка
German: Zwergtaucher
French: Grebe castagneux
Mongolian: Хурган шунгуур
length: 23-29 cm
Habitat: Breeds in vegetated margins of often small inland waters
(ponds, even ditches) Shy, keeps in cover of reeds and sedges for long periods.
on often less vegetated lakes, reservoirs,
coasts of W Europe.
Identification: Smallest
grebe (can be mistaken for duckling!), with shortish neck, very dumpy body, and
prominent ‘powder-puff’ rear end; tiny straight bill. Lacks white on wing.
Adult summer: Chestnut
cheeks and foreneck, with prominent pale yellow fleshy gape.
Adult winter: General
coloration brown and buff, lacking black, grey and white contrasts of Slavonian
and Black-necked; foreneck and cheek sandy-buff.
Juvenile: Like
adult winter, but with short dark stripes behind and below eye, and bill-base
yellowish-flesh; plumage very faded sandy-buff by first winter.