English: Himalayan Vulture,
Himalayan Griffon, Snow Vulture
Russian: Гималайскый гриф
German: Schneegeier
French: Vautour de l’Himalaya
Mongolian: Хималайн хажир, Цасны
хажир бүргэд
Japanese: ヒマラヤハゲワシ (Himaraya-hagewashi)
Body Length:
100-115 cm
Wing span: 230-295 cm
Passage migrant /summer visitor
Migration: Apr.-May; Aug.-Sep.
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Scavenger, feeding mostly on the carcasses of dead animals.
Habitat: It possibly breeds in high mountain
regions of Mongolia. An immature bird of this species is similar to an immature
Griffon Vulture. They forage on carrion on the ground with Cinereous Vultures
and Eurasian Vultures. They are gregarious and feed together in groups of 3-42