English: Peregrine Falcon, Black-cheeked Falcon, Duck-Hawk
Russian: Сапсан
German: Wanderfalke
French: Faucon
Mongolian: Эгэл шонхор
Japanese: ハヤブサ (Hayabusa)
Body Length: 38-51 cm
Wing span: 84-120 cm
Passage migrant/ summer visitor
Migration: Apr.-May; Aug.-Sep.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Data Deficient
Food: Small to medium sized birds and small
Habitat: Mountain ranges and valleys of
rivers and lakes with rocks and cliffs. It builds its nest on the scrape,
normally on cliff ledges and cracks. Cliff nests are generally located under an
overhang or on ledges with vegetation, favoring south facing sites.