Surface area:
Elevation: 1.234-1.478m
status: Unprotected.
description: Taatsiin
Tsagaan is mineral water lake, surrounded by semi-desert vegetation zone, is
located next to Baruun Bayan-Ulaan soum center, Uvurkhangai province. However,
until recently, the lake with high water level was an important area for
migratory waterbirds, currently it is dry. Taatsiin River flows into the lake
when it rains a lot. Taatsiin Tsagaan Lake lies within the Valley of Lakes
Ramsar Site.
Importance for
birds: Globally threatened
bird species such as Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Pallas’s
Fish-eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) and Relict Gull (Larus relictus) occur at the site. Common Shelduck (Tadorna
tadorna), Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) and Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) also occur, exceeding
1% of their flyway populations. The site also supports bird species of Eurasian
steppe and desert biome.
flora and fauna: Globally
endangered, Pallas's Cat (Felis
manul) occurs at the site. Grey
Wolf (Canis lupus), Corsac Fox (Vulpes corsac) and Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) occur here.