Surface area:
31,630 ha
Elevation: 1,500-1,600 m
status: Unprotected.
description: The site
comprises Zulegt river valley, where Great
Bustard (Otis tarda) breeds and
overwinters some years. The site extends south to Selenge River and north to
the mountain. The land mainly used for agriculture. The valley is surrounded by
mountains and hills, some of which forested or with rocky peaks. The
site is divided into two sections by a main road from Moron to Hutag Ondor. The
major threats at the site are heavy traffic along the road, destruction of eggs
and chicks by agricultural machinery and poaching.
Importance for
birds: Globally
threatened bird species such as Great
Bustard (Otis tarda), Saker
Falcon (Falco cherrug), Lesser Falcon (F. naumanni) and Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila
heliacal) occur at the site. Hundreds
of Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo) gathers in flocks, reaching at
least 1% of their flyway populations.
Special flora
and fauna: There
is no specific information about the other flora and fauna.