Surface area:
18,568 ha
Elevation: 940-980 m
status: Unprotected.
description: The
site is located in the south of Namnan Natural reserve, bordering with it. The
site extends to the west where valley narrows, to the east until Murun main
road and to the south until Selenge River Valley. This wide-open area is mainly
used for agriculture and livestock grazing. The major threats at the site are
heavy traffic to Murun, degradation of pastureland, unregulated grazing, destruction
of eggs and chicks by agricultural machinery and poaching. There are oral
reports that wildfire and poaching regularly occur at the Namnan Mountain.
Importance for
birds: The site is an
important area of breeding for the globally threatened, Great Bustard (Otis tarda). Significant numbers of Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides
virgo) gather around wheat fields during their migration. The riparian forest
along the Selenge River provides good habitat for many bird species, to live
and stopover during migration.
Special flora
and fauna: Nationally
endangered Taimen (Hucho taimen) and Northern Pike (Esox
lucius) occur at the site.